The Future of Domino is Now!

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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We’re serious about IBM/Lotus software

MartinScott has been focusing on developing applications for the Lotus Notes & Domino platform since 1997, and the IBM WebSphere platform since 2002.

Experience makes the difference

MartinScott was founded on our proven experience that an expert developer can outpace the productivity of several junior or intermediate developers on tasks of average to high complexity. There are many ways to solve each development challenge in a project; only the expert will consistently proceed immediately down the best path at each decision point. Only the expert will be able to design and implement a solution with the lowest total project cost, drawing on tens of thousands of hours of experience and assets to implement a solution quickly. See what differentiates MartinScott consultants from ordinary Notes/Domino developers.

We don’t “hire and train” junior developers. We hire experts, and usually by internal referrals. This affords our clients better application designs and lower total project costs. Many of our engagements started as requests to complete projects that other development firms could not implement quickly enough, or at all. If you have a complex development challenge to tackle, protect your project’s budget and put experts on it from the start.

MartinScott consultants use an extensive Notes/Domino code library of reusable modules, which helps minimize development efforts (selected elements of our Code Library are available online). Our deep, yet diverse, levels of expertise encourage consultants to bounce ideas off each other. This collaborative dynamic results in solid application architectures that reflect tens of thousands of hours of development experience.

Additional technical expertise on tap

We rarely encounter technical problems we can’t solve right away. But when we do hit these snags in your technical environment, MartinScott can remedy them quickly without burning your budget. More than half of our technical staff are former IBM/Lotus staff, and our frequent speaking and writing engagements keep us in close contact with other IBM/Lotus experts from around the world. In addition, MartinScott participates actively in the private technical discussion forums of the IBM/Lotus business partner community, as well as various Lotus Notes User Groups and communities.

MartinScott is an active member of The Penumbra Group, a selective consortium of approximately twenty-five IBM Business Partners focused on Lotus technologies world wide. MartinScott partners with other Penumbra members to provide highly specific expertise in areas, including: Domino server crash analysis, server plug-ins, leading edge XML-based custom web UI controls, mail capture, complex Notes API development, and platform specific expertise with Linux, iSeries, and UNIX. Penumbra affiliation affords highly focused teams comprised of the industry’s top experts in a leaner, more cost effective package than those of large consulting firms.

High-profile industry presence

As a Lotus Qualified Business Partner and an IBM Advanced Business Partner, we have access to accurate and up-to-date information on the products we support, and we quickly convert that knowledge into practical answers for clients’ problems. Much of our services work in the last six years has been as a subcontractor to IBM Software Services for Lotus (formerly Lotus Professional Services) in their development projects for their largest Domino installations such as IBM, MCI, Verizon, and The World Bank. IBM/Lotus even hired us to implement the first portion of their website developed in Domino 4.6.

Put us to the test

Whether it’s simply providing telephone based technical support for your own IT staff, installing a first Domino server, or building an enterprise workflow solution, no task is too small or too large. Contact MartinScott today for a no cost initial consultation.

Technologies We Use

Locate Us

Headersquarters / DC
8200 Greensboro Dr, Suite 900
McLean, VA
Phone: 22102 703.462.5435
Fax: 703.995.4738

4810 Point Fosdick Drive NW #318
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Phone: 253.234.5390
Fax: 703.995.4738

Philadelphia / DE
Newark, DE 19711
Phone : 703.281.6724
Fax: 703.995.4738

Call our dedicated team for help today 703-462-5435